Monday, August 22, 2011

I spoke to soon--new look for fall.

If I only had an iphone...

Coke gets a make over! What about diet??!

For the 125th anniversary of Coca Cola, Peter Gregson created six Coca-Cola can designs. 

Gregson used old Coca-Cola ads and posters from thirties and forties and implanted them on the cans “in order to create the can that would remind of Coca Cola’s longevity and…be something completely new”,

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Swatch takes over a subway train

I've been waiting for a brand to do this. I rode the swatch subway this morning and loved every minute of it! haha

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Committee of Organ Donation

THEIR Brief:
To design the corporate identity for an organ donation initiative. Since it was our only tool of communication, the design had to instantly convey the message of organ donation. Whatever we designed had to strike an emotional chord and subtly prompt people to open up to the idea.
Creative execution:
When you pledge an organ, you gift someone a new life. We simply brought this insight to life through our design.

Friday, July 15, 2011

One of the most beautiful homes I've ever seen in todays NY Times Home and Garden

Clark Sanders's own handmade stone house.
A former veterinarian has turned his passion for straw-bale houses into a full-time job.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ann Arbor Film Festival Logo-Contributed by Scott Pryor, principal at Michigan-based Pryor Design.

I liked this branding design because not only did I go to school in Ann Arbor and support the film festival but  I the logo really works well with the theme of the festival. I like how the A looks like two F's (film festival) and the block letters almost look like a film reel. Simple and well done.

The Beginnings of a logo for the Museum for African American Art

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Shepard Fairey Saks Advertising

Last night I went to an event at the bookstore phaidon in soho about branding and the 20th century. Shep Fairy was there with DJ Spooky and Steven Heller and i got to meet them. I thought this piece by Fairey was interesting in terms of design, dictatorship and high end retail. I'm always debating whether or not to get the more expensive item and wish someone would just say "you know you want it! just get it!" well here it is...I can't believe people actually walked around the store with these bags

Tuesday, June 28, 2011