Saturday, October 30, 2010

A second start-stage 2

After painting I wanted to have more control over what I was creating, so I transferred parts of the paintings into photoshop as I began collaging images in order to seek out organic shapes. I think this was successful but overall it helped to get what was on my mind out on paper. I may do another series tomorrow, but my ultimate plan is to start making some of these shapes 

A second start

Today I decided to step outside the confines of making standard geometric shapes, and instead let loose and explore. I began painting on large pieces of paper (4x6), while i let the paint trip and colors merge. My task was to find shapes within organic forms. I think that the packaging can be quirky--which will be more appealing as a product.

The start to my project

The idea of my IP project is to create a set of blocks for children to learn how to garden and cook while reusing the packaging (the blocks). Food will come prepackaged in separate blocks with a set recipe, and after the cooking the blocks can be reused to grow a garden-inside or outside. I started out by creating standard block shapes, to see how i can play around with them/organize them in a way for packaging.

Studio Space

arugula and garden lettuce


Packaging/Gardening ideas

Teas from Whole Foods

made out of natural biodegradable materials

Monday, October 18, 2010

How to be resourceful

This artist made flower pots out of their junk mail. I thought this was a clever, artistic and resourceful way of gardening.

Gap Design

the way this product takes a spin on "tea time" is interesting, because they are designing how people will gather for tea. While the set comes as one item, i like the idea that there are separate mugs and spaces for each person. And there can be different teas in each pitcher. so clever!

Box of Wonderful

I like the concept of a book inside a box. It is a single element with separate parts inside to explore.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Interactive Tray Project-Outreach

For this project our group is addressing the problem of portion control in a school lunch setting. For each compartment we will use our food provider "Stew Leonards," while we package our own food to fit in each compartment. We will sell the packaged food to schools, and kids will have a choice of what they want to place in each section. The bottom tray hold the silverware, and fold out from under to be used as a "mixing tray." Kids can "play with their food" by mixing ingredients together --which will be provided. The tray will be made out of plastic, so it can easily be washed and reused.