Thursday, September 30, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010


It might be strange that I'm photographing trash--but this has been outside my house for a few days now. Even while walking around campus,it's common to find trash cans emptied out on the ground.

Sustainability: solar energy: and our social environment

An eco friendly solar paneled material used in a social space. Why shouldn't solar panels be a part of our every day lives? Thought: getting rid of large structures-thinking sustainably about solar energy
Designer : Sean Park, Olbae Woo, and Owen Song

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Example of My work: Happy Hour Kitchen fall/winter 2009


In a class called "More With Less" our assignment was to redesign the idea of a kitchen. This kitchen is marketed towards a young couple living in the city who may have limited space in their apartment. They can set up the kitchen for their friends, or to make a quick meal on the go. The kitchen is sustainable while it folds up to save space, uses minimal materials, and is easy to put together and take apart.

Collected Inspiration: First step

 I chose these images because I feel they identify with a sustainable market. These items are products I would purchase and not immediately throw away.They are objects that can be collected or reused. The burlap package selling granola bars is reusable, and the perfume bottles can be refilled.I am interested in reaching out to this market in terms of graphic design,package design, and design in social spaces. One problem I need to look into is cost, and who is willing to buy these products. 

The second to last image was taken by a friend in Argentina. It appealed to me because they created a beautiful display for their clothes which they hang to dry (something we aren't used to here)-and i just liked the color pallet

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

University of Sydney Architecture and Design (disregard the weather)

These images of the University as well as the architecture were inspiring to me as I walked around campus. I noticed that design was in its simplest form. For example,the organic shape of the lounge chair in image 6 reminds me of the shape of a leaf or the curve of a tree branch. In Australian design, I found they design and are inspired based on their surroundings. In the bottom image of the mosaic tiles, the object(bench) in this image was found on Bondi Beach, as the entire bench curves like waves in the ocean. The bench is decorated in a pattern of the sea using mosaic tiles. In images 3 and 4, there was a sculpture on campus made out of recycled filing cabinets and materials.Probably to convey the message of machinery and war: a play on the idea of a war tank which is strong and meant to withstand gunshots. I noticed that most design here was used to incorporate nature with design, and convey the message of sustainability.

My experience abroad

This past semester I studied abroad in Sydney Australia. I chose to study in Australia because of how environmentally conscious they are, as it is ingrained in each person to live a sustainable life style. This picture is of the 12 apostles near Melbourne Australia. The 12 Apostles was one of the most beautiful spots I visited in Australia-aside from the fact that I'v never seen such beautiful landscapes and natural surroundings anywhere else as I have abroad in Australia.Because of their every day surroundings of beautiful oceans, greenery, plant life and wild animals, it is a key aspect of the Australian way to take care of their environment so it stays beautiful and everlasting. Each time I had a tour of a beach or had a conversation with the locals,the importance of protecting the environment was always a central issue. Living in Sydney for 4 months I noticed that the design of the buildings, design in advertising, products, urban design etc. were targeted towards a more sustainable life style: Modern, contemporary,and forward thinking.